Batch Ing Files
With batch files, which are also called batch programs or scripts, you can simplify routine or repetitive tasks. A batch file is an unformatted text file that contains one or more commands and has a.bat or.cmd file name extension. When you type the file name at the command prompt, Cmd.exe runs the commands sequentially as they appear in the file. You can include any command in a batch file. Certain commands, such as for, goto, and if, enable you to do conditional processing of the commands in the batch file. For example, the if command carries out a command based on the results of a condition. Other commands allow you to control input and output and call other batch files.
The standard error codes that most applications return are 0 if no error occurred and 1 (or higher value) if an error occurred. Please refer to your application help documentation to determine the meaning of specific error codes. For more information about batch file operations, see the following topics: • • • For more information about commands that you can use in batch files, click a command: • • • • • • • • • •.
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The easy way to run your batch file in Windows is to just double click the batch file in Windows Explorer (aka “My Computer”). Unfortunately, the command prompt will not give you much of a chance to see the output and any errors. The command prompt window for the script will disappear as soon as the script exits. A batch file is a kind of script file in DOS, OS/2 and Microsoft Windows. It consists of a series of commands to be executed by the command-line interpreter, stored in a. Got a bunch of files you want to rename, but don’t want to go through them each one by one? How to Batch Rename Multiple Files in Windows.
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