Wellesley Paws Program

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Accredited by the NAEYC P.A.W.S. Nvidia Vanta-16 Drivers here. (Preschool at Wellesley Schools) has been designated a developmentally appropriate, high quality program by the National Association. Nutricion En El Deporte Ayudas Ergogenicas Y Dopaje Descargar Pdf.


Mission is to provide a learning environment that is safe and healthy and supports every child’s social, emotional, cognitive, and physical develop. Preschool classroom is an engaging environment where children learn primarily through developmentally appropriate play experiences. Teachers design a classroom environment that encourages children’s active participation in their own learning.

Wellesley Paws Program

Each classroom teaching team works together to foster a social/emotional environment that encourages a sense of community and values the contributions of each individual child within that community.

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