Trapcode Form 2
Red Giant Trapcode Form 2. James Last The Lonely Shepherd. 1.3 for After Effects Size: 463 MB. Words dissolve into sand, a logo catches on fire, and now 3D sequences explode into particles. Red Giant Trapcode Form is a program for improved lighting effects to your project after effect 3DCreating effects, you can create 3D models.
In this tutorial, Harry Frank walks you through the new features in Trapcode Form 2. New features include: - Bring OBJ’s into After Effects with Form’s support for 3D models and 3D sequences - Get the Particular 2 features you love, like Textured Polygon and Streaklet particle types - Illuminate your particles with Shading for visual depth and tight integration to AE lights - Full Layer Map support gives advanced animation control over particle size, rotation and color - Expanded Spherical Field features let you distort a sphere into any elliptical shape Get Trapcode Form 2 here.

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