How To Do A Clean Install Of Windows Xp Professional

By Windows 7 can’t directly upgrade a PC running Windows XP, which complicates things for Windows XP owners. To upgrade from Windows XP to Windows 7, known as a “clean install,” follow these steps. • Run Windows Easy Transfer on your Windows XP PC. The free Windows Easy Transfer lives in the SupportMigwiz on your Windows 7 DVD. To start the program, double-click the file called MigWiz.
I have the original install CD of XP PRO but I cannot get past the EULA page when attempting to do a clean install from the CD. F8 key will not take me past that page.
If your Windows 7 DVD hops to the screen as soon as you insert it into your PC’s drive, press close its Installation window. Then click the Start button, choose My Computer, right-click your DVD drive and choose Explore to find the Support folder that contains the Migwiz folder. When the Windows Easy Transfer program runs, transfer the files and settings from each of your User Accounts to a portable hard drive.
(The portable hard drive should be as large as the drive in your Windows XP PC.) Then unplug the portable drive and set it aside for later. The portable drive can serve as a backup drive after you get Windows 7 up and running. • Rename your Windows XP drive. Turkish Airlines A320 Fsx. This step isn’t necessary, but it helps you identify the correct drive a few steps later. Open the Start menu, choose My Computer, and right-click your C drive.
Choose Rename, type in XP, and press Enter. • Insert the Windows 7 DVD into your DVD drive and restart your PC. Your PC restarts, but loads from the Windows 7 DVD. (You may have to press a key to tell your PC to load from the DVD drive rather than the hard drive.) If your hard drive is less than half full, don’t restart your PC with the Windows 7 DVD in the drive.
Instead, install Windows 7 while Windows XP is still running. Skip Steps 4 and 9. Then, in Step 10, just click the Next button. Windows 7 then stashes away your Windows XP files for possible retrieval in emergencies. • Click Next.
Clicking Next tells the program to install everything in English, including menu language, keyboard layout, and currency symbols. • Click the Install Now button. This tells Windows 7 to begin installing itself on your PC’s hard drive. If asked, go online to fetch the latest updates to make your installation go smoothly. • Read the License Agreement, select the I Accept the License Terms check box, and click Next. Clicking I Accept the License Terms check box and clicking Next means you agree to Microsoft’s lengthy legal terms.
• Choose Custom (advanced). If you try to choose the Upgrade option, the program says to load Windows XP and then run the Installation DVD. (And then, when you return to this screen and click Upgrade, it says you can’t upgrade directly to Windows 7 from Windows XP.) Clicking the Custom (advanced) option shows you a window listing your PC’s partitions and/or drives. • Click your Windows XP drive. Your Windows XP drive will have the letters XP in its name from Step 2.
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