Driver Hi Pro Noah Compatible

Interface for programming all types of hearing instruments. Nch Software Crack. Together with HIMSA's NOAH software, HI- PRO USB has evolved into the de facto industry standard for. Silicon Vista Vijaya Bank Layout.
I just set up a serial Hi-Pro box for one of my customers on their new laptop. According to Beltone, the only usb adapter that will work with the Hi-Pro (or at least the only one they have gotten to work) is a Belkin F5U409. I know some usb serial adapters don't use true serial communications if that makes any sense, so there isn't really a baud rate. They kind of just send out the communication in bursts. In any case, ive only tried with the belkin adapter and that worked fine with no problems. Bartender Enterprise Automation Suite V9 3. The other point here is that your Hi-Pro and Adapter are on different com ports. This is odd, the hi-pro should be on the serial adpater's com port.
Also the software i was using - Noah, with a beltone module for programming hearing aids. Only looked on com ports 1-3.

The computer put the serial adapter on com 8 - which would not do. I checked for available com ports and saw that 2 was unused. I set the adapter to 2 and was able to set up the program normally. I did this on Windows 7 Professional 32 Bit. The procedure for selecting the com port is the same on earlier versions of windows. First, open device manager, open the list titled 'Ports (COM and LPT)'.
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