Autocad Map 3d 2013 Guide
Civil 3d 2013 User Guide Pdf Applies to AutoCAD Map 3D 2012, AutoCAD Map 3D 2013, AutoCAD Map 3D 2014 which is currently available for AutoCAD Civil 3D and AutoCAD.
Autodesk provides a variety of materials to help you learn and use AutoCAD® Map 3D software or to develop complementary products. Online Help Online Learning Videos Online Tutorials (zip - 1497Kb) (zip - 119507Kb) (zip - 38917Kb) (zip - 18515Kb) (zip - 11198Kb) (zip - 620Kb) (zip - 1077Kb) (zip - 12336Kb) (zip - 145Kb) (zip - 18464Kb) (zip - 63862Kb) (zip - 38823Kb) (zip - 17882Kb) (zip - 10734Kb) (zip - 623Kb) (zip - 1082Kb) (zip - 12252Kb) (zip - 145Kb) Tutorial Help File (chm - 106921Kb) Workflow Guide High-level workflows that illustrate the overall steps to perform common tasks. Developer Documentation (zip - 162097Kb) (zip - 182637Kb) (zip - 181255Kb) (pdf - 289Kb) (zip - 406343Kb) (zip - 375231Kb) (zip - 239213Kb).
Those of you in the Oil & Gas biz - please help! I'm new to AutoCAD, and especially new to AutoCAD Map 3D. I need to make a plat showing a well location.
When using Petra or DrillingInfo, a map can br printed to a DXF. DrillingInfo puts out a DXF with just the 0 layer, and the well spots come in as polyline circles. The DXF Petra puts out opens with different layers and symbology, which I like. It's just that the well spots are blocks, which I do not understand. When I open the Petra map with AutoCAD Map 3D, my well spots are unitless block references, and are tiny specks. I need to resize them so they can be seen. Why can't I figure this out??
Creative Ct5880 Driver Windows 7. Lmclaughlin wrote: Ok, tried the DDPTYPE and it looks like you were right, in that they are set to a single point, sized 5% relative to Screen. I tried changing the style and increasing the size to 100% relative to Screen size - no change. Then tried changing size to 1000 Absolute units (which I guess doesn't make a difference since the units are 'unitless'?). I was excited thiugh, I though that might have been it.:) Try opening one of the blocks in the blockeditor BEDIT and check there, change it then save the block and regen. Multiplex Royal Pro 9 Manual.
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