Pocket Monsters Card Game Value 1996

Ke - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - for your chance to win free prizes! Pojo's Pokemon Trading Card Game Set Lists & Price Guides Pocket Monsters Card Game (PMCG) Japanese Set Compositions and Price Guide c.1999-2001 The PoJo -- Japanese Pokemon Coro Coro Promo Cards Revised May 2017 Full Card List Notes There are no ' 1st Edition' Japanese cards. All cards are considered to be 'unlimited' print run, and to our knowledge still in production. We are NOT selling cards. These are compiled for clarification of relative values and what you might expect to pay at a game store or collectible dealer for these cards. 'Corocoro Comics' Promo Cards Corocoro is a comic magazine published monthly (along with another version 'Hyper Corocoro' issued quarterly) in Japan. These comic books have been the source of many Pocket Monsters promo cards in the past, and beginning in 1999 they started publishing the first of the 'Neo' Pocket Monsters cards.
There are no rarity symbols on these cards (as they are all from a fixed set). Coro Coro Cards Price Issue Color Level Poke # Card Name $ #11 Lv16 #25 Pikachu (ivy) $ #11 Lv12 #39 Jigglypuff $ #2 Lv8 #151 Mew - Lilypad $3.00 1997 #6 Lv60 #150 Mewtwo $5.00 1997 #7 --- --- Pikachu/Jigglypuff/Clefairy (jumbo card) $ #9 Lv13 #25 Surfing Pikachu $5. Download Phonostar Player Plus 3.0 Rapidshare Software on this page. 00 1997 #9 (trainer) --- Imakuni $4.00 1997 #10 --- --- Zapdos/Articuno/Moltres (jumbo card) $4. Bartender Enterprise Automation Suite V9 3. 00 1997 #11 Lv12 #25 Flying Pikachu $8.00 1998 #1 Lv14 #52 Meowth $ #1 (trainer) --- PC's Escape!
Find great deals on eBay for 1996 pocket monster cards and pocket monsters cards. Shop with confidence. Rare Pokemon card attracts. When the GameBoy game known in Japan as Pocket Monsters was initially. This was before a wider regional release in February 1996. 1-16 of 18 results for 'pocket monster card value'. 2000 Pocket Monsters Card Game. Stylish and reversible pocket monsters key chains + collectible.
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