Jazz Trombone Transcriptions Pdf

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My friend Alan Greene, who plays with me in the Asheville Jazz Orchestra, told me about a great YouTube channel by “. M-audio Session Keystudio Software. ” Bob has has 29 uploads of jazz trombone solos and his transcriptions of them. There are a handful of solos I’ve already done and several I’ve not heard before. Ftv Program Za Djecu. There are also a few he’s done that were solos I’ve been thinking about transcribing myself. While it’s tempting to just learn the solos from Bob’s transcriptions (and I’m sure I’ll end up just stealing a lick or three this way), I’m still planning on working on some of those transcriptions myself at a later date.


The benefit from transcribing isn’t just learning what notes and rhythms a great soloist improvised, but training your ear and learning the style through focused and repeated listening. It’s neat to then compare what you came up with to someone else’s transcription. Check out this great resource. Asustek Manual P3v4x User here.

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