Blueway Air Conditioner Manual

We purchased a Blueway Split Inverter Air Conditioner for our lounge from Harvey Norman. Here is our review and ongoing discussion about it. View and Download Haier HM-09CA03 operation manual online. Mobile Air Conditioner. HM-09CA03 Air Conditioner pdf manual download. Download 2 Asw Air Conditioner PDF manuals. User manuals, Asw Air conditioner Operating guides and Service manuals.
I have following split air conditioner (it came with house I bought) and it works without doing the cooling/heating job. I tried to find manufacture service centre in Sydney but no luck.:-( Here is search done so far. Website exists but no page Website registered under FORTUNA NETWORK PTY LTD ABN 1 verified the ABN at Kindly help me to find the service centre because I belive it is still under warranty. Here is full information of the air conditioner. BLUEWAY AS-24HRAF Indoor unit Serial Cooling capacity 2400btu/hr Heating capacity 2500btu/hr Colling Power Input 2750W Heating Power Input 2600W Current cooling/heating 12.5/12.2A Voltage 220/240 Frequency 50HZ Phase Single. Domain Whois record Queried with ''.
This is where I went last time I required a part for a Blueway aircon. ' burb=Smithfield&street=Woodpark&pa ge=1&refinement=true&refinementTyp e=crossReference' Unit 2/ 200 Woodpark Rd Smithfield 2164 (02) 9729 3688 It sounds like the gas has leaked out of the unit. Probably the installer did not do the job properly and left one of the fittings with a small gas leak. This would be a claim against the installer, rather than the supplier, as the supplier does not provide or employ the installer. (under subcontract). Motogp 2002 No Cd Crack more. To regass such a system is usually about $250 (or it was last time I looked). You also require the receipt for the install work to be able to make a claim for a true faulty aircon from the supplier, as you have to be able to prove that the aircon was installed by a qualified installer.
I just found this post doing a search for Blueway. I have one of there portable A/C unit's that isn't blowing cool air or hot. I purchased it from a mate a couple of years back and it is well out of warranty.
It always worked well but stopped functioning as it should at the end of last summer (possible thermostat issue as the heater doesn't work now either). Handbook Of Biblical Evidences - John Ankerberg. I'm more than happy to pay for it to be fixed, I just can't find where to get it fixed. I'm looking for a service center in Melbourne (SE Suburbs preffered). Any help would be great!
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